Welcome in Strasbourg

Following on from the 2023 event held at Paris Saclay, this year's Journées Nationales de Thermoélectricité will be held at the Institut Charles Sadron from November 20 to 22, 2024, on the Cronenbourg campus in Strasbourg. This national event will enable the scientific community interested in the physical phenomena involved in the direct conversion of heat flows into electricity and vice-versa, to present their recent results on this "energy" theme in the form of oral presentations or posters, ranging from fundamental research (theory, materials, elaboration, thermics, micro- & macroscopic phenomena) to the most varied applications around the conversion of heat into electricity and thermal regulation. This year's particular objective is to bring together the inorganic and organic materials communities.

The Journées Nationales de Thermoélectricité 2024 will be organized around (i) a thematic training session (see below) and (ii) a symposium featuring 4 thematic oral sessions, 2 poster sessions, invited lectures and the presentation of the Coqblin prize for the best thesis on thermoelectricity.

The training sessions will take place over 2 half-days (Wednesday afternoon November 20, 2024 and Thursday morning November 21, 2024). This year's theme is conductive polymers.

- the Wednesday afternoon session will be devoted to an introduction to conducting polymers, their doping and the state of the art in organic thermoelectricity

- the Thursday morning session will focus on charge transport in organic conductors.


This year's event will feature two guest speakers:

- Dr Carmelo Prestipino (CRISMAT, Caen), " Crystal structure, the key parameter from the synthesis to the figure of merit. Few illustrative cases of large-scale facilities structural investigation on thermoelectric materials".

- Dr Philippe Poure (IJL, Nancy), "Interface electronics of TEG-based energy recovery systems, for maximum power extraction".



Deadline for abstracts: 11/10/2024

Notification date for oral presentations: 20/10/2024

Registration deadline (free but compulsory) for the training course (subject to availability) and/or symposium: 25/10/2024


We hope to see many of you at this 2024 edition of the Journées Nationales de Thermoélectricité in Strasbourg.

Yours sincerely

                                                                                   The organizing committee


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